Do you have a physical position in electricity or gas and sell a large proportion of your volumes on the spot market? Do you want to be ready for rising prices, while profiting from price reductions? Do you want to make the timing of your hedges independent of the physical purchase?

Benefits for you

Protect yourself from rising prices: Benefit from an Asian call option traded by us as a hedge against rising spot prices, thus protecting your own budget.  

And benefit from falling prices, too: Because although you are protected against rising prices, you will participate in falling electricity or gas prices. To benefit from this hedging, a premium is payable for the option at the time of the transaction.

Automatic execution of an option settled in Asia if it is in the money, which expires automatically if it is out of the money. It is neither necessary to actively exercise the option at a certain point in time, nor decide to then declare the option on the basis of the price. This means that the declaration time can never be missed.

Our approach